Saturday, May 12, 2012

Are you quirky?

Are you a trail runner that finishes your workout with muddy streaks on your calves? An article from Running Times explains why this happens. The article goes on to explain some other quirks like causes for irregular wear patterns on your shoes and why the horizon bobs up and down while you're running. You can find the full article at:

What Mud on Your Calves Means for Your Form

Four form flaws you can recognize by yourself

QUIRK #1: You notice mud or kick marks on your calves.

Post-run mud smudges on your calves usually mean more than that you'll be doing a little extra scrubbing in the shower. "Typically, it's because that person has weak glute muscles, which help stabilize your foot in the stance phase," says six-time Ironman world champion Dave Scott, who now coaches a wide range of athletes in Boulder, Colo. "The second thing is they have very poor hip extension."

What this means is when your leg is in the push-off phase, your hips don't stay square; instead, they twist back a little to allow you to seemingly enhance your push-off. In reality, says Scott, you end up losing power.

Scott refers to the navel as the runner's eyeball, and the goal is for it to always look straight ahead. If you're hitting your other leg, your navel is likely swinging back and forth like a windshield wiper, which causes the hips to open up too much to the side on push-off. When this happens, your foot comes through on the swing phase and hits the side of the opposite leg.

Runners who do this "need to enhance their flexibility in hip extension," says Scott. "But they really need to strengthen their glutes; that's a huge, huge problem."

To fix this quirk, Scott recommends a two-in-one exercise: The Stretch Cord Hip Extension.

Place a stretch cord, such as a Thera-Band, around your ankle and anchor the other end to something stable in front of you. Stand on an elevated block with your support leg standing on the corner of the block, knee slightly bent, and the stretch-cord leg swinging freely. While keeping your swinging leg straight, swing it back into hip extension, and then bring it forward to the neutral position. Scott recommends pulsing your leg for five to six seconds every third repetition.

"In the first three to four repetitions, you will feel the initial muscular load in the stretch-cord leg; however, the fatigue will immediately be felt in the support leg gluteal muscles," says Scott. "The support leg should have a slightly bent knee, and this leg will become progressively fatigued. Maintaining the support leg in perfect 'stance' running position is the key to the exercise."

The second part of this two-in-one deal moves you quickly into hip abduction. Step off of the block and turn 90 degrees with your support leg facing the anchor pole. Step over the pole so the cord passes freely behind the Achilles tendon of your support leg. Then spread your legs apart and swing the stretch-cord leg outward. This exercise isn't about the stretch-cord leg, it's about that stabilizing leg, says Scott. Do 12 to 15 repetitions, pulsing every third repetition. "This is a fantastic exercise for your glutes with the muscular load on your support leg," says Scott.

Scott recommends doing this exercise every other day. Alternate legs, and do three sets on each leg.

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