Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hydration Review

Performance decreases significantly when you are not properly hydrated. In hot weather dehydration can occur gradually – you can get behind on fluids a little each day until you see the scales pointing toward a 3 to 7 pound weight loss. While some people may be encouraged by the weight loss, if the loss is due to fluid loss, then your performance will suffer and you may place yourself at greater risk for heat related injury.

Dehydration Signs

Slow recovery from exercise
Infrequent urination
Discolored urine
Significant weight loss not associated with changes in nutrition or exercise

Staying Hydrated

Stay away from excess soda and alcohol which act as diuretics (cause fluid loss)
Drink plenty of water which should contribute to more frequent urination that will be clearer in color
Drink fluids before you exercise, during and after
Keep a check on your body weight

Type of Drinks to Consume

For the most part, water is the best choice. Drinks like Powerade and Gatorade are fine for longer bouts of training, but these contain sugar (which adds calories) – use them in addition to water but not as your sole source of fluid replacement.

Avoid energy drinks. The extra energy you feel is from a highly caffeinated beverage, which is a diuretic