Sunday, April 29, 2012

National Runners' Month

May is National Runners' Month and to honor this, we will be making a new post to the blog EVERY DAY for the entire month! It may be a new post on the main page, a new training tip,  recipe, shoe review, or more. You'll have to check back regularly to see all the exciting updates!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rockin' River City Ride

The Rockin' River City Ride and Battle of the Bands is THIS Saturday, April 21st! The events include:
a 5k, 10k, 25k, 60k, and 100k bike ride as well as a 5k walk. The biking and walking events take place in the morning and the bands perform Saturday evening. For more information, visit

There will be fun for the whole family at the Kids' Fun Park with bounce houses, games, prizes, face painting, and live entertainment. A great way to enjoy the day!!