Sunday, May 5, 2013

Toe Touch Progression

Can you touch your toes? Most people would say no, even seasoned athletes. Tight hamstrings? Probably not the sole culprit. Muscle tone and your body's misuse of stability? Sounds more likely. Give your body credit though, it's pretty good at taking the easy way out and choosing the simpler option. If your core lacks the ability to stabilize your pelvis, the hamstrings take over and create it. This might make your hamstrings feel "tight" but in actuality, they are working non-stop and always "on" so to speak. Try this exercise demonstrated by Paul Gorman from The Tank Gym. If you are able to do the toe touch progression and see a noticeable difference in your ability to reach your toes, you are NOT dealing with a muscle tightness issue; it's muscle tone. Perform this exercise daily to "turn off" your hamstrings and allow your core to be more efficient while stabilizing your pelvis.

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